Saturday, December 1, 2012

Is It Really December?

No, seriously. It is?


So, anyway, I've been on a slow writing kick ... after I was doing SO well, too. But ah well. I haven't stopped writing it. I'm just being ... slow.

I made curry the other day for the first time ever. I had it once before at a restaurant and loved it, so I decided to make it myself. And you know what? It came out super good! I also made a cake yesterday, and pretty much it went downhill after I opened a bottle of wine and wanted ice cream.

Sort of a side-note type thing, but I like meeting cute people via the internet and then talking to them and realizing you like them even more. And yes, that was a run-on, but whatever. I don't care. Sigh. why do cute people have to be so far away?

My internet lately has been stupid, but finally it was fixed! I'm so happy!

I've been obsessed with Ke$ha's new album. Like, it's weird. I went through November being super excited about everyone's new albums and then realizing they were all let-downs. But this one, Warrior, is so worth it.  Everyone needs to check out "Gold Trans Am." I have designated that my "stripper song." Yes, let your imaginations run wild, young ones.

Anyway, off to the Netherlands. (Not really.)