Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

I know, that is a really crappy title, but I'm feeling uncreative today, plus stressed.

I have a test tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to remember anything in microbiology ... it's like the world hates me: the micro world. I can't remember all the agars and what they do to same my life. The worst part is that my future job has no use for agar. WHY AM I LEARNING THIS THEN?!

Sorry. This class really upsets me.

Anyway, writing/reading. I started to do NaNoWriMo. I began on November 2nd and pushed out a good chunk of story. Currently it's day 12 (obviously), and no I'm about 3,500 words behind. I just have been really busy with studying for this micro test that, no matter what, I will get like an 80% on. Which isn't bad, but it's not really going to help my grade.

I really enjoy the NaNoWriMo story I created. One of the characters I created is awesome. Sort of reminds me of ... me. Haha. I've never really put myself into a story before, at least personality-wise, so it's nice to be able to not have to think hard about dialogue because it just flows naturally to me. It's the other main character giving me problems ... I have rarely any life experiences, and thus, I have to rely on instinct to write feelings. It's not the best, but I hope that if I finish this story (really banking on it), I can edit it to the right thing. Besides, this is definitely a first draft. Anyone that says they have an amazing first draft is kidding themselves.

I've been reading Cinda Williams Chima's new book in the Seven Realms Series. It's the last one, and I have about 150 pages more to go until it's done completely. I'm really sad. Sad face. Now I'm going to need a new series/book to keep me occupied. Especially for break. But hopefully I will just be able to write more. However, I've noticed that I seem to write best/more when I'm reading, so I guess for now on I have to simultaneously read and write.

Thanksgiving is coming up. Just thought I'd mention it.

And now I'm done. So, I have to finish some homework, and then I suppose I shall catch you all later. Granted, that's assuming I have readers. Oh, the joys of hoping and wishing.

Au revoir!

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