Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29th

I feel like I'm back in the swing of things. Finally. After going through some weird sort of lull. I've been reading on a regular basis, and I've been writing on a regular basis.

The only issue is that my "writing on a regular basis" is still rather slow. Well, at least slower than what I'd like it to be. That's not to say that perhaps a page a day isn't progress (heck, I have about 50ish more pages to go and then I'll be done), but it's slower than what I'd like.

I'm really excited to finally be done with this novel. That's not to say I don't enjoy it one bit. It's just that I'm ready now to move on. I mean, I know that I said about a month ago I wasn't ready and I wanted it to last forever - and that is technically true - but what I really meant to say was that I just need a break. Of course I want to come back. I created one of the most bad-ass characters I've ever constructed before. To just leave that character behind would be ... well, it's inhumane!

I'm not really sure what story I'll go on to next. I'm thinking about getting back to the story I started earlier and then stopped because I couldn't work it out right. I'll have to think hard about the tweaks to get it right. That was my problem. I was much more invested in my Airilie story than I was in that one. I didn't really think all that much about tweaking it.

Somewhere in there I'm going to do some revision to my Airilie story as well. About a month ago I realized that one part didn't really pan out how it was envisioned, so it has to be changed. Trust me, this revision will make a lot more sense than what I have written now.

Speaking about revisions: I definitely need someone to read through it. I had someone, but she definitely hasn't really done anything. I hope she can start working on it soon.

Well. I think I am off to read and then tomorrow it will definitely be a writing day. I'm really excited. I'm super close to the apex of the rising action. Yay.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Know, I Know ...

I haven't posted in a very long time. Over two weeks. Don't blame me. I had my break, and that was quite a bit of fun. And then I recently returned to my school and I just have been relaxing a bit and playing some video games.

That doesn't really help the writing front, does it? I took a small break from writing, but I plan on getting back into it tomorrow. I tweeted the other day that I can't really write unless I'm inspired to write. I mean, sure, I could attempt to write something when I don't exactly feel like writing, but it would come out so god awful that it's like, "why did I even bother?" So, I just don't write. I read that when most authors give advice, the main thing they say is to write everyday. You can't tell me that they literally don't go ONE day without putting pen to paper. Besides, quite a few authors I have read actually have taken "days off." It's not like I'm not constantly tortured by my characters to write some more. I'm constantly formulating ideas, or they are coming to me, or what have you. I just don't scribe them down.

While I'm thinking about it -- and this is a huge tangent, might I add,(but it's relevant because I mentioned not writing something down) -- every author, I think, has this horror story of the "story that got away." It truly does suck to think of this kick-ass story, idea, character, event, blah blah blah and then think to yourself, "Oh, I'll just remember it and write it down later." And then later comes, or it's nighttime, or you wake up in the morning because you thought about it at night and you didn't want to be bothered by getting up and writing it down, and you simply CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING. And what sucks even more is having the same feeling of the thing being awesome, but you don't know what it is. So then you get upset, maybe even depressed, and you try to remember it, you strain real hard, but finally you give up.

... I just spent like 20 minutes doing something else and now I lost my place and don't remember what I was talking about.

Well, I am going to go read now until I fall asleep. I feel a headache coming on, and it's usually indicative of, well, a headache.

Check out "Grave Mercy" by R. L. LaFevers. It's pretty decent so far. I'm about 120 pages in.

By ya'll.