Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool's Day

I feel like every single "holiday" that comes about, I'm complaining about it.


Why, you might ask?

I'm actually a pretty loose sort of guy. I never really take a lot of things seriously, and I love to joke around. In fact, a lot of people tell me that my jokes are a cover-up for my true feelings (I know, the internet isn't my therapist, so I won't go into too much detail . . . lol moment).

But when I sit there and go through everything on twitter and see articles from "respected" news sites and expect some mind-bending discovery only to find out they are fake, I lose my stuff.

It's like I'm the most serious on the one day of the year where you are supposed to be the least serious. I can only take so many jokes before I want to kill someone.

I jest. But seriously.

So, if you play a joke on me, I will probably hate you for the rest of the day. Just a warning.

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