Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So, I believe I have ignored this for like a week, at least. But that's okay because there really wasn't much to say.

I wrote about 10 pages in the past week to my novel, which really isn't that great by my standards. That's about 1,500-ish words, I believe. I'm getting super close to the end, and I want to give it the best possible ending possible. I mean, I know how I want it to end, and that hasn't changed, but I really don't want it to feel "rushed," you know? I think that's the problem I'm having lately. It took forever to get to a specific spot, and then since then it's like all the action is progressing at an exponential pace from there. I might have to make some changes in the middle.


I'm watching Giada right now. She's making a lemon-type meal. Everything has lemon in it. I love lemon. Too much can be exhausting, however.

I don't really have much more to say. I've been pretty busy lately. Exams are coming up (next week!), and then the week after I have 2 more exams, but only on Monday. It's also my birthday this coming Saturday, so I'll be turning 21. That will be awesome. I just plan on going out to eat and drinking a bottle of wine.

Love me some wine.

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