Monday, April 30, 2012


I am officially done with classes/exams for the Winter semester. It makes me feel ... I don't know, rather amazing. I learned a lot this semester, but I feel like it just dragged on after awhile. I'm itching to finally get out there and be free for a bit. Yes, I do still have summer classes, but they shouldn't take up all my time. It's only 6 credits.

Watch that be the very last thing I ever say, and then fail everything.

I'm happy to get back into writing. I know I said that I was going to start the other novel whose prologue I posted the other day, but the more I think about it and try to develop it, the more I realize I have hit a snag in my thought process. I'd be more than happy to actually tell you all what it is, but then again, what if it gets published? That would ruin the fun for all of you guys, wouldn't it? So now I need to just find a friend or someone that actually wants to read my work and explain to them my little conundrum. How do I solve a problem like Maria?

That was a "Sound of Music" reference, for your information.

I think tonight I'm going to watch "West Side Story." I bought it about a week ago, but I just never got around to actually watching it. Well, I did watch it, but I wasn't technically "watching" it.

... That probably makes no sense to you guys, but whatever.

I guess when I say that I'm "done," I don't actually mean that I'm done. I have to tweak a small thing or two on my final for one of my classes that I have to email to the professor. I think he actually wants me to give it to him in person, but I'm not sure I really want to get up and out of the confines of my apartment to give him my stuff. Besides, it wastes paper for something he's just going to end up throwing away anyway, right?! Right.

Okay, well I think I am going out to have an early dinner, because I didn't have anything for lunch at all today minus like 10 triscuit crackers, and those never last me long. Plus I had two cups of coffee, and coffee does not sit well in my stomach without something to eat in there as well. I should also take out the trash as well. I dislike taking it out. But, my apartment must look somewhat presentable by the time I leave tomorrow.

So. Au revoir and all that good stuff.

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