Friday, March 16, 2012


Yes, that title is pretty much my finger going over every single key on the middle row of letters.


Today is a writing day for me. I plan on doing some homework later today because the prof said to get it done pretty early and not wait until the last minute. Normally all profs say that, but I believe this one. He has the most difficult test/quizzes/exams/homework. I got a B on his last exam, and I was actually pretty happy with it. I took one of his classes last semester, and pretty much you need to regurgitate EVERYTHING he says in order to get full points. It's kind of awful.

So. Today I will be finishing up a chapter of my "Airilie" novel. Super excited for this one. I don't really know how I'm going to approach the chapter afterwards, however. I actually had this plan where the characters go off and stop something (I'm being extremely vague for a reason), but my novel is already over 100,000 words. I read that most fantasy novels (especially from unestablished writers such as myself), should not aim for more than 125,000 words, 150,000 at most (even for 150,000 words most authors/publishers shy away from that). If I do this side-quest type thingy, then it will for sure put me over 125,000 words, and the total novel will probably be over 150,000.

I know it seems easy to just say "don't go there." But you have to realize that these characters have formed into real people in my mind. They have a sense of extreme justice. I can't envision them not going.

Oooooh the trials of being a tortured writer.

I also read that authors should not plan on sequels and movie deals and who plays the characters and what not. To be honest, I have not even thought about any of those at all, except for perhaps sequels, but only because I'm finding it impossible to say everything I want in one book (so in other words, it's a series). I used to be one of those people that thought They just want the money; that's why they have 5 books when it could have been condensed to 3. I literally don't believe that anymore.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more I am thinking that I have to write a series. To be honest, this book I have is . . .  okay, let me back up. You know how The Hobbit is one book, and then The Lord of the Rings has 3 books in that series? That's sort of how I feel this is ending up. This particular story is like a prequel to a MUCH BIGGER happening later on.

I seriously didn't plan it like this ... It just ... did.

Anyway, I need to get on to finishing this story. But for now, lunch, and then I'm not sure what. Woohoo.

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