Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So, just got wind of some bad news.

If I take my surgery during the summer, fall, or winter of this coming year, it's going to put me back a whole year no matter what. I pretty much have to have the surgery next summer in order to not be put behind. Sigh. Nothing ever works out for me.

So, what I was thinking about doing was double majoring. Like, take a semester off and then come back and take classes that apply to my other major (because I pretty much am already accepted into the DMOL program anyway and have all that stuff done), then by the time I leave Ferris, I'll be all set and ready to leave with one degree under my belt! Woohoo!

I wish it were that exciting. Lol moment.

Anyway. I have been doing some thinking. Isn't it strange to completely love somebody and want to be with them, and then it's like things fall apart and that person is then a stranger to you? It makes me sad. I read that Tauruses are the kind of people that make a friend and never let go - Yeah, that shiz is so true. I still talk to all of my old high school friends, with the exception of one, because no matter how much I try to talk to her, she just never responds back. I love seeing people change. Although sometimes it makes me sad to know they aren't heading in the right direction. Or maybe it's not a bad direction, it's just not a direction I thought they would take in life. Anyway, I say this because I find myself thinking at night about love and life and what people mean to me. How my life would be different without certain people there. And in all honesty, I got pretty melancholy over a select few people not being there, even though they now have reduced roles in my life. I hope that one day they will play a bigger part of my life like I want them to. But who knows until it really happens? No matter how many times I beg and plead with them to come back, it doesn't mean a thing. They have to do it for themselves, not for me. And I understand that. It would make me sad that they wouldn't want to be in my life like I wanted to, but I would understand it and wish them all the happiness in the world -- because they deserve it.

I said "sad" like 5 times in that paragraph. I need a new word.

Anyway, that's all I have for the day. I'm going to play some video games now. Just got done with an online quiz that I honestly probably didn't do very well on, but that's okay, because one is dropped at the end of the semester. I have one more online quiz to do, but I'll save that for later tonight. "New Girl" is on tonight. Totally in love with that show.

I need to get to bed earlier tonight. This time change is screwing up my sleeping schedule. I have been up until 1:30 AM the past few nights (which was originally 12:30 AM). I wish I lived in Texas or something where they didn't have those time shifts (or do they? I don't really know. I think Florida did when I was there for Easter once ...).

Okay. For real. I'm getting off. Watch me.

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