Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tender is the Night ... Well. Morning. Afternoon?

Like I said, I knew I was going to be god-awful at writing and keeping up with this blog. It's just not my thing. I have to literally push myself to write on it. I even forget about it until my friend reminded me that I had one last night because she has one. So. Ugh. Promise I'm trying to keep up!

On a different note. Today I'm taking care of my mom's dog, Onna. There's supposed to be two dots over the "O," but I'm too lazy to copy and paste that type of "O" in here. She's right now attacking my computer bag. She has a cone over her head so she doesn't bite at the stitches. Poor girl had her uterus taken out.

Let's see here ... Writing.

Yes, that small thing.

I'm currently writing a short story for a contest at Ferris. I'd like to tell everyone I know who's a writer to get involved, but it's only open to Ferris students, and sadly, I know like no other Ferris students who are writers. It's sad being in a scientific program. I feel like my creativity is stifled because I'm surrounded by "exact" people, if you know what I mean. More of the analytic kind, as opposed to creative. I, however, feel creative everywhere. In fact, I love that I am in a science program; it easily influences me. But I doubt any one else appreciates science like I do in that program. They view it as just that - science - opposed to me, science and creativity. In other words, being creative isn't welcome in this program. Oh, the joys of being left and right-brained.

Ah well. Not like it's really just that big of a deal. It was just a small observation.

Okay,  think that that is all I have to talk about right now. I need to get back into my writing and taking care of the dog. Oh, and listening to Adele. If you ever want to write about a break-up, listen to  the "21" album by Adele. Guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings. Currently playing: "One and Only."

Peace and stuff. 

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